Agenda 2022

5th ACGMUN Conference 

THEME: Decent Work & Economic Growth

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth

General Assembly Committees

  • Disarmament and International Security Committee (GA1)
    1. Preventing transnational organized crime via cyber threats
    2. Restricting the use of anthrax as an agent of biological warfare
    3. Increasing accountability, transparency and oversight with regard to armed drones
  • Economic and Financial Committee (GA2)
    1. Encouraging international cooperation to combat illicit financial flows
    2. Implementing measures to address the financial crisis in Turkey
    3. Discussing the promotion of cryptocurrencies in the financial world
  • Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (GA3)
    1. Tackling the issue of social stratification in the Philippines
    2. The issue of displaced children in the Central African Republic 
    3. Combatting the glorification of neo-Nazism and the fueling of contemporary forms of racism
  • Special Political and Decolonization Committee (GA4)
    1. Implementing measures to eliminate international terrorism
    2. Limiting the political impact of the North Korean nuke expansion
    3. Deescalating the political crisis of Belarus
  • Legal Committee (GA6)
    1. Reevaluating the customary legal principle: “aut dedere aut judicare”
    2. The impact of globalization on law-making authorities and international customary law
    3. Proposing a legal framework for investments to foreign warfares

 Specialized Agencies

  • Environmental Commission (EC)
    1. Monitoring and mitigating methane emissions in megacities
    2. Tackling the loss of biodiversity
    3. Resolving the issue of the Great Pacific garbage patch
    4. Regulating the footprint of black carbon emissions
  • Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
    1. Measuring the economic and social footprint of the black market on the global community
    2. The issue of the demographic problem and its impact on the Chinese economy
    3. Securing business interruption insurance
    4. Addressing the exploitation of farming communities by domestic regulations
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
    1. The impact of chemical substances used for agricultural purposes on public health
    2. Promoting access to medical innovation by creating a new medical research landscape
    3. Addressing the kidney village crisis in Nepal
    4. Providing medical support to intersex individuals
  • Security Council (SC)
    1. The issue of repatriation and reintegration of children affected by armed conflict
    2. The unresolved internal crisis in Egypt
  • Historical Security Council (HSC) (Year: 2007)
    1. The issue of the mortgage crisis
    2. Addressing the Issue of the British Royal Navy Arrest in the Persian Gulf
  • Special Conference on Decent Work & Economic Growth (SPECON)
    1. Ensuring legitimacy in governmental subsidization and promotion of private corporations
    2. Reevaluating equity in resource distribution for the purpose of eliminating poverty
    3. The question of lacking infrastructure and the relation to economic crises
    4. Measures to convert e-waste to a source of decent work
  • International Labor Organization (ILO)
    1. Combatting the decrease of the Minimum Wage due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
    2. Eliminating Illegal Multi-Party Employment
    3. Promoting the creation of green jobs
    4. Discussing the rights of teleworkers
  • International Court of Justice (ICJ)
    1. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua vs United States of America)