Study Guides
Disarmament and International Security Committee
- The threat of systematic corruption to international security
- Measures to reduce paramilitary groups in Latin America
Social Humanitarian and Cultural Committee
- Right to sexual determination and protection from sexual assault
- Increasing women’s participation in democratic governance and peace building
Special Political and Decolonization Committee
Legal Committee
- The rule of law on a local and international level
- The legality of artificial islands for military use
Environmental Commission
- The implementation of the Paris Agreement
- Preventing land degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Measures towards safeguarding maritime ecosystems
Economic and Social Council
- Improving living conditions for minority groups
- Preventing tax evasion by multinational firms
- The utilization of genetically modified foods in the fight against hunger
World Health Organization
- Combating unsafe abortions
- Tribal superstitions, traditions and shamanism regarding medical practice
- The question of the privatization of healthcare in developing nations
Security Council
- Establishing stability in El Salvador
- The issue of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar
- Assessing NATO’s Involvement in Inter-State Conflicts
UN Office on Drugs and Crime
- Eliminating violence and crime in the Northern Triangle
- Prison reform and the alternatives to imprisonment
- Responding to the rise of new psychoactive substances
International Court of Justice
- Jadhav Case (India v. Pakistan)