Opening & Closing Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

Saturday, April 1st
10:30-10:35 Broadcast of the Opening Ceremony Video
10:35-10:40 Introduction of the Conference by Elena Ioannou

(President of the General Assembly)

10:40-10:45 Welcoming Address by President Dr. David Horner
10:45-10:55 Speech Delivered by Mrs. Sherri Moshman (First ACGMUN Advisor)
Speech Delivered by Dr. Anastasia Papachristou
(Detention Doctor and Health Programme Manager in ICRC)
Speech Delivered by Ms. Marialena Vyzaki
(Gender & Sustainability Advisor in the UN)
11:05-11:15 Traditional Greek Piece by ACG Students
11:15-11:25 Speech Delivered by Christoforos Foteinelis

(Secretary General)

11:30 Conference is Declared Open



Closing Ceremony

Sunday, April 2nd
16:00-16:05 Broadcast of Closing Ceremony Video


16:05-16:15 Music Piece by ACG Students


16:15-16:20 Speech Delivered by ACGMUN Advisor, Ms. Veraliza Miliaresi


16:20-17:15 Speeches Delivered by the Student Officers

Announcement of Best Delegate & Honorable Mention Awards


17:15-17:45 Speeches Delivered by the Secretariat


17:45 Conference is Declared Closed